🎉Now with in-article images

Generate SEO articles and blog posts with AI

Articles in 30 seconds

Optimized for SEO

No subscription needed

  • Fast Articles AI - Generate perfect SEO articles and blog posts in seconds | Product Hunt
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Write quality content faster

Leverage AI to quickly generate content that humans and search engines will love.

Writing one article without AI

  • Keyword research2 hours
  • Content outline1 hour
  • First draft1 hour
  • Editing and proofreading1 hour
  • SEO optimization1 hour
Total Time:6 hours

Writing one article with Fast Articles AI

  • AI keyword research10 seconds
  • AI content outline3 seconds
  • AI first draft5 seconds
  • AI editing and proofreading5 seconds
  • AI SEO optimization10 seconds
Total Time:33 seconds *
* Based on average generation time per article

How it works

Simplify your process

Transform ideas into polished content in just a few simple steps.

1. Configure

Input key details for the articles you want to generate.

2. Generate

Click on the 'Generate' button, then wait for 30 seconds.

3. Review

Examine the generated articles and add your final touch.

4. Publish

Post the final results to your site with just one click.


Configure everything

Generate hundreds of articles while retaining full control over the outcome.


Define at least one field per article to generate.


Publish in one click

Connect with your favorite platforms and publish to your sites in one click.

  • WordPress

  • WordPress.com

  • Blogger

    Coming soon
  • Shopify

    Coming soon
  • Wix

    Coming soon
  • Webflow

    Coming soon
  • Squarespace

    Coming soon
  • Ghost

    Coming soon


Pay as you go

Try it out for free, then buy the credits you need. No card or subscription needed.

What's included:

  • All features and models
  • SEO keywords and links
  • In-article images
  • 100 supported languages
  • 30+ additional configuration options
  • Unlimited workspaces
  • Unlimited integrations
  • Advanced text editor

Start with free credits

$1per article

Get started

No credit card required. Just sign up and start creating content.

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Frequently asked questions

Find answers to common questions about our AI writing tool.

Ready to rank higher on Google?

Join hundreds of entrepreneurs and marketers who are using our AI article writer to rank their sites higher on Google search results.